Thursday, June 21, 2012

Green bald beluga whales slouching in black holes
Green bald beluga whales slouching in black holes
Green bald beluga whales slouching in black holes
Kids, what color is the whales magical blubber?
What are they slouching in?
What is the texture of the whale's magical blubber?
... ... ...

Green bald beluga whales slouching in black holes
Green bald beluga whales slouching in black holes
Green bald beluga whales slouching in black holes

What happens when you try to write the opposite of PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS...

Comment with your own opposite song!!!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Thank god!  School couldn't be over quicker!  I am soooooo  glad.  I went to the pool today.  It is SOOOOOOOOOOO HOTTTTTTT!
Ummm  that's about it.  I have a piano lesson now... Great :(


Hey Fellow bored people.   Sooo... I did my nails today.  I should start uploading pix huh...  I'm a fail though.  I do it on Jennifer and my neighbors, Chanika and Yeni.  The are 6 and 3 and SOOOOOOOOO cute.  Yeni is my little man, and Chanika is like a sister to me.    Ummmmmm.  That's about it for today. And PLEASEEEEE comment.  I need something to read!
(That means you, The Awesomeness!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Oh My Gosh!

My @#$%ing sister Jennifer is driving me crazy.  She keeps yelling at me, not listening, and calling me mean!!!!

She's driving me NUTS.
I swear, I see rainbow ponies with fangs running all around this place.  And everyone knows rainbow ponies don't have fangs.  I'm getting a major migraine.   HELP MEEEEE!!!!!!!

Team Joniss!

Ok.  So does anyone else here think that the whole Peeta vs. Gale Hunger Games bit is kinda just a takeoff from Twilight!  You know... Edward (blech) Vs. Jacob (OHHHH  AHHHHH)
Personally I'm a Joniss girl myself.  As the saying goes....
It took Gale years to tell Katniss he loved her,
It took Peeta 10 years to even talk to here,
And yet within minutes of meeting Katniss, Johanna was taking off her clothes!

My Summer Plans

Hey!!  So... School's out and I'm ready for summer.  I have a really busy summer planned.  I'm going to California on Sunday, then sleep away camp, then piano camp, then on a cruise to Alaska with my grandma.  I am also going to try to see my epic cousin, Marc.  But we'll see :P

Anyway... Going to try to make this blog look cooler and try to get more people to like it!
Tell your family, friends, the hobo biking down your street or the lady pushing her cats in a stroller!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Hey Everyone! 
I'm Kat!  Ok... So I'm starting this blog because... Well... I'm bored ;P
Anyway... Before you read this there are a few things you may want to know about me.

I love manga and anime and draw pretty well. 
You can see my drawings at WeirdKatKoolio at
I am also into kawaii and stuff.  I have a store online at
I am pretty insane and go crazy when I eat chocolate. 
Ummmmmm... Not much else. 
I'm creative and love singing and playing piano and flute. I am planning to join School of Rock
and I AM AWESOME!!!!!!